Research the Freight Agent Industry

Freight Agent Industry

Learn more about the freight agent industry, including industry trends, best practices, and regulations.


Develop a Business Plan

Develop a business plan that outlines your goals, target market, marketing strategies, and financial projections.


Apply to Sarassi Logistics

Submit an application to Sarassi Logistics by emailing us with your resume and business plan. Our team will review your application and contact you for further


Sign a Freight Agent Agreement

If selected, you will be required to sign a freight agent agreement with Sarassi Logistics that outlines the terms of the partnership, including commission rates, payment terms, and service level expectations.


Start Working as a Freight Agent

Once you have signed the freight agent agreement, you can start working as a freight agent with Sarassi Logistics. Our team will provide you with the necessary
support, including training, marketing materials, and access to our global network of carriers and logistics professionals.

In summary, becoming a freight agent with Sarassi Logistics is an excellent opportunity for individuals with industry experience, strong communication and sales skills, and a passion for logistics.


Sarassi Logistics is a third-party logistics company focused on providing excellent customer service and logistics solutions.

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